School Policies and Useful Facts

Little children often get sick. You should keep your child at home throughout the duration of the illness so as to expedite the healing process and avoid getting the other children sick. When your child is ready to return to day care, we would appreciate a note from their doctor indicating that they are free from contagions.


By Texas State Minimum Standards children must  be sent home if they have a fever of 100.4, throwing up, have at least two loose bowel movements in an hour, and may not return untill they are fever free for 24 hrs. with out the aid of medication.


Parent Agreement Form


There is a full version of our Parent Handbook online here under Registration Information.  You are welcome to pull it up and read it.  This is a breif version of pertinent information for your conveniance.


Hours of Operation

We are open Monday thru Friday from 6:30am to 6:30pm.



Tuition fees are due on Monday, in advance of service.  Tuition is considered late after closing on Tuesday evening.  Families with delinquent accounts on Wednesday morning will not be able to attend classes without bringing payment for the week and the $10.00 late fee. If we do not receive payment, you will be ask to withdraw.  To re-enter another enrollment fee will be charged.



Tuition charges reflect the cost of our programs, salaries and materials pro-rated across the year.  We allow each child a one week tuition free vacation for each twelve months of continuous enrollment after the first year.  All other weeks are charged as full weeks regardless of attendance. Vacations can only be taken by the week.


Enrollment Fee

The enrollment fee is a one-time charge for continuous enrollment and is NON-REFUNDABLE.  This fee is due at the time of enrollment.  If for any reason you withdraw from the center, a new enrollment fee will be charged to re-enroll.


Supply Fee

A NON-REFUNDABLE supply fee is assessed August 1st and January 1st of each year to cover cost of supplies, special events, projects, cooking materials, etc.  This fee is pro-rated to the month of your enrollment.  There is a $60.00 activity fee for The Summer Camp during the summer. This covers field trips and special arts and crafts.


Late Pick Up Fee

A fee of $1.00 is assessed for each minute after the first five that a child remains at the center after closing time.


Returned Check

A charge of $35.00 is required to pick up any insufficient funds check.


Field Trip

With the exception of Summer Camp, charges for field trips are not included in your weekly rates.  You will be notified in advance regarding these discretionary fees.



When a student is to be withdrawn, we request two weeks notification.  No refunds are given when a child is withdrawn or ask to withdraw.



The center honors the following holidays:

 New Years Day               Memorial Day

 Independance Day          Labor Day

 Thanksgiving Day           The Day after Thanksgiving

 Christmas Eve                Christmas Day       

 WE close at 3:00 pm on New Years Eve


Bad Weather or Emergencies

Any closing of our school due to natural disaster, bad weather or other such emergencies will be announced on the major radio and television stations in your area.  Please check with the center director for specific designations.



We do not serve breakfast. If you bring it in, we will be glad to let your child sit down at the table and eat.  We have a snack at 8:30am which consists of Biscuts and Jelly, Cinnimon Toast, Oatmeal, Blueberry Muffins and French Toast Sticks.


Enrollment Forms

It is a requirement of licensing that all enrollment forms must be complete and turned in to the center prior to or on the day of enrollment. This must be done to keep us incompliance with the licensing department of the state of Texas.



Illness and Medications


The ESA staff will notify you in the event of a serious illness or injury.  For the welfare of the other children, please pick up your child with in the hour after we call you.  A cot will be provided for your child to rest and will be closely supervised until your arrival.  The following are common illnesses, which require exclusion from our school:


Fever: Classified as an armpit temperature of 99.4 degrees or greater.  A child must be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication, before returning to school.


Diarrhea/Vomiting:  Frequent uncontrolled, loose watery stools or two vomiting episodes within 24 hours.  These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by a fever.  A child must  not have diarrhea or have vomited within 24 hours before returning to school.  A doctor’s statement may be required to return to the center.


Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye:  Red eye or eyes usually with some discharge or crusting around the eyes.  A child must have had treatment for at least 24 hours before returning to school.  A doctor’s note may be required before the child is allowed back into the classroom.

 Unexplained Rashes or Skin Conditions:  A health care provider’s note and diagnosis verifying that the condition is not contagious will be required before readmission.   Medication will be administered each day at 11:00a.m. and 3:00p.m.  There will be a medication log located in the office for  each parent to sign before medication can be given.


The following  must be followed before any medication is administered:

· A Medication Authorization Form must be completed.

· All medicine must be in its original container, labeled with the child’s name, the doctor’s name, the date, and the time and dose to be administered.

· All medication must be given to the office and not left in your child’s bag.

· No medication will be administered for longer than 2 weeks unless accompanied by a doctor’s note.

· Any long-term medication or medication to be given on an as needed basis must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.

· You may authorize the administration of Tylenol, Benadryl, Bactine, Caladryl, Sunblock lotion, Triple Antibiotic ointment, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sterile eye wash as needed by signing a release form in the office. 

Medications are give twice a day, 11:00 and 3:00.  If a child is on an antibiotic , you may give it at home at 7:00 and then we will give it again at 3:00 which is every eight hours for a three times a day prescription.  If it is a four times a day we will then give it twice that day.